

Ivan Lins

Cornucopía - that is exuberant imagination, musicality and creativity all in one. The way Ivan Lins and the SWR Big Band combine two different worlds on Cornucopía, the present album has the stuff to become a milestone. For the Brazilian superstar, the CD is the best he has ever made. This also applies to the SWR Big Band and Ralf Schmid, who are following on from the predecessor album "Bossarenova" in the uncompromising pursuit of their very own musical mode of expression, which also includes, for example, electronic elements. A grandiose mélange from Brazil and Germany, from Rio de Janeiro and from Stuttgart, where the SWR Big Band is based.


Listen to the first minutes of the album Cornucopia


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„Cornucopía – that is a phenomenal album,“ says Lins, „and the SWR Big Band is the most astonishing music ensemble of its kind that I have ever played with. They invest in different rhythms, engaging in intensive percussion work and using new technologies and daring arrangements going well beyond the familiar standards. And despite these differences, it all sounds truly wonderful.“ Nonetheless, we must not forget that the models for this are all from Ivan’s pen. And what Lins fans in particular will enjoy: most of the tracks are compositions that have never been released. The very first track, the African-influenced Araketutu, is a sun-drenched listen, and reflects the spirit of this production just as much as the atmospherically dense Atlantida, sung by Paula Morelenbaum. The new album has a total of 13 songs. Discoveries include Carroussel de Bata and Todo Mundo, or Ivan’s declaration of love to his home city of Rio de Janeiro in the Samba de Vison.

Cornucopía – that is a love story. The first meeting was around 2 ½ years ago in the Botanical Gardens of Lisbon. Shortly before Ivan was due to fly back to Brazil, Ralf Schmid and the manager of the SWR Big Band, Hans-Peter Zachary met with him for a working lunch. The basics were discussed, and an initial work phase followed in southern Germany’s Freiburg in the winter of 2011. Ivan made suggestions for a whole week. Then it was Ralf Schmid’s job to choose from the incredible fund the songs that you can now hear on this album. The first session was recorded separately, but then it became clear that the live character of the music was the decisive factor. This led to a legendary recording session in the Stuttgart SWR radio studio in March 2012. The four recording rooms were fully occupied: alongside Ivan, Ralf and the SWR Big Band, Wolfgang Haffner played drums, and in the percussion room 3 percussionists (Roland Peil, Edmundo Carneiro & Jorge Brasil) were rattling and shaking for all they were worth – all with incredible energy and enthusiasm. And the following happened: first the music rose and then fell, and floated over the room with such lightness that everybody involved was certain of being part of something very special.

Cornucopía – that is Ivan Lins and the SWR Big Band, conducted by Ralf Schmid. With guests Paula Morelenbaum/voc, Joo Kraus/tr, Themba Mkhize/voc, as well as Portinho/dr, Nilson Matta/ac.bass , Wolfgang Haffner/dr, Edmundo Carneiro/perc, Roland Peil/perc, Jorge Brasil, perc.


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